At Prep Doctors, we want to ensure that thorough preparation is available so you can clear the first exam of the ADC Assessment Process.
With 280 scenario-based questions spread across four sections, a passing grade is required to be eligible for the Practical Examination, the second exam in the ADC assessment process.
Our ADC Written Exam Mock is designed to provide additional practice. You will have the opportunity to further hone your clinical judgment and reasoning skills to ensure you are fully prepared for the Written Examination, all under replicate exam conditions.
Online mock exams designed to mirror the actual written format, featuring 280 SBQs across four sections.
Engage in dedicated sessions to review and discuss each paper with our instructors.
Our panel of instructors are here to clarify any concepts and resolve doubts.
Receive a detailed grade report, including overall score, class statistics, and cluster-wise performance insights.
Disclaimer: Please be advised that the information above is an overview. Due to the nature of the course, timing and dates are subject to change and may be adjusted as needed, and sessions may be opened or closed based on prospective trainees/demand.
$500 AUD
2 Day Mock + 4 Day Discussion
February Cycle 1
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Yes, you can enroll in the Written Examination Course even if your initial assessment is still pending. Contact us if you would like to speak with an advisor for assistance with your assessment.
Yes, deferrals are possible. Please contact us to arrange your deferral.
Printed course materials will be sent two weeks before the course begins.
Yes, please contact us, and we’ll work on extending your course access.
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